Minetry Apperson is leading a project through our club to help support the Memphis Union Mission. If you'd like to participate, please collect travel-size personal care products that would appropriate for the homeless population served by the Mission. These include:
- small tubes of toothpaste
- toothbrushes
- deodorant
- shampoo
- disposable razors
- soap/body wash
- shaving cream
- pain relievers
- bandaids
- rubbing alcohol
- anti-baterial ointment
- socks
- t-shirts (XL and up)
- underwear
Marci will also try to post good deals on these types of things whenever possible. For instance, Walgreen's has its brand bar soap on sale for 4/$1 this week. Reach Advanced Design toothbrushes are $2.59; use a $1 off coupon in the Walgreen's sale booklet (located near the flyers in-store) and you can also use the $1 off 6/8 Redplum Sunday insert to get the brush for $.59. Crest ProHealth toothpaste and Excedrin Gel Caps are free if you apply for the Walgreen's rebate this month. We appreciate it if you let us know if you've found any deals as well.
Your donations may be brought to any club meeting up through December, or given directly to Minetry at 226 Pandora.
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