Thursday, September 18, 2008

2008-2009 Calendar of Programs.

Here's our line-up for the coming year. Many thanks to Program Chair Suzanne Houlden for pulling it together. And thanks to all the hostesses and co-hostesses for providing our meeting places.

October 21, 7pm: Tom Pellett, Master Gardener
Hostess: Kathryn Westbrook, 5104 Norich
Co-Hostess: Katie Redeker

October 25, 3pm: Halloween Fest
Hosts: Michelle & Jay Campbell, 5029 Minden

November 18, 7pm: Paint a Piece
Hostess: Jean Phebus, 5234 Mary Starnes
Co-Hostess: Angela Griffith

December 9, 7pm: Christmas Coffee
Hostess: Lauren Harkins, 5016 Lynbar
Co-Hostess: Sunny Duffy

January 23, 6pm: Progressive Dinner
Hosts: Laura & Matt Freeman, 5194 Peg Lane
Hosts: Holly & Darin Halford, 216 Leonora Drive

February 17, 7pm: Dr. Alan James, Chiropractor
Hostess: Hikmat Samaha, 5086 Peg Lane
Co-Hostess: Melanie Suria & Jessica Schreiber

March 17, 7pm: Marci Lambert, Make Art Every Day
Hostess: Morgan Westbrook, 5095 Norich
Co-Hostess: Jennifer Smith

April 4, 10am: Easter Egg Hunt
Hostess: Joanne & Robert Maichrowicz, 225 Matilda

April 21, 7pm: Carolyn Bendall, Image Consultant
Hostess: Cindy Waddell, 259 Betty Jo Lane

May 2, 7pm: Shrimp and Beer Party

*Programs subject to change. Hostess provides house. Co-hostess provides snacks & non-alcoholic drinks. Club provides wine & nametags.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey folks! How do I become involved with the club? I don't see a method to contact/join on the blog. Thanks!