Monday, October 13, 2008

Crime alert: Lynbar

From Oct. 10:

Last night two tall thin white males came from my neighbor's driveway on Lynbar at 12:45a, crawled into a waiting neutral colored Mercury Marquis or Ford Crown Victoria, with at least two other people, and headed east down Lynbar, crossing at Mendenhall. I called the police and gave the description and within a minute, I could see several blue lights flashing across Mendenhall.
My neighbor is out of town, but locks her gate and sets her alarm, so the officers checked the doors and windows with flashlights and could not find anything amiss. They were probably looking for cash in cars. All of the 16- and 17-year-olds were issued a curfew violation, which I hope will be a hassle for the parents. If you have anything missing, refer to this e mail if you call police.

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