Thursday, December 14, 2006

Crime Alert

From 12/12:
Just a heads up on suspicious activity this morning. At 6:45 this morning, there was a two toned Grey and Silver conversion van from around the 80's checking out a house on East Erwin. There were two guys sitting in it and staring at the house...they had the motor running, when Monica turned on a light in one of her front rooms, they sped away....the motor is loud as if there is a hole in the muffler and there is a ladder affixed to the back of the van (the kind you climb to the top of the van, NOT a construction ladder). Monica has informed the police, but we can all keep our eyes out!!

From 12/14:
I wanted to let all of you know that someone tore through Brandon's Tahoe last night (5095 Norich). He left the doors unlocked last night, so they didn't have to break windows, but they did rummage through the vehicle completely. They walked right up and into our carport. It doesn't appear that anything was taken, however. I'm sure they were after money and were disappointed. They also broke into our neighbor's car. Some of you may have also had break-in experiences last night? I hate to say it, but we have gotten to the point that we leave our cars unlocked so we don't have to replace windows. I know many of you have said you do the same. It's so unfortunate that we have to deal with this problem, but hopefully our reports to the police will start helping soon.

I would also like to remind everyone to please, please install home alarm systems if at all possible and if you do not have one already. These criminals are extremely brazen and will not think twice about entering our homes.

Also from 12/14:
Bradie Schall's Lexus was broken into on Saturday night on Mary Ann. Window broken, IPod taken (my fault for leaving it in the car!). I haven't heard of anyone else right around me that's had a a problem lately. It just feels like Memphis and its crime problem are beginning to spiral downward.

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